Traveling by foot in America is less common and more dangerous than it is in many other countries. Pedestrians face many risks and obstacles throughout the U.S., and in Connecticut, pedestrian fatalities are rising. 

Here are a few other alarming facts about pedestrian accidents in Watertown and other Connecticut cities:

  • 64 people died from crashes involving pedestrians in Connecticut in 2023
  • Fall is the most dangerous season for pedestrians in Connecticut
  • There is an 85 percent chance of fatal injury if a pedestrian is hit by a car going 40 miles per hour

Whether you walk as part of your daily commute, jog or run along the road for exercise, or ever find yourself needing to use sidewalks or walk along the road, it is imperative that you know what precautions to take to protect yourself. Safety precautions for Watertown pedestrians include staying visible, using designated crosswalks, obeying traffic signals, and staying alert to surrounding vehicles. It is impossible to avoid all risks, but knowing what steps to take to maximize your safety is a good idea for regular and occasional pedestrians. 

If you’ve been in a pedestrian accident and are looking for answers to specific questions about a legal claim, contact D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC. Our pedestrian accident attorneys are happy to answer any questions you have about your options after a crash. 

How to Prioritize Safety as a Pedestrian

Many pedestrian accidents are caused by motorists, but there are ways to decrease the chances of being in an accident when walking in Watertown.

  • Always follow traffic lights and signals
  • Make eye contact with drivers before crossing to ensure they see you
  • Wave or signal your intent to cross the street
  • Don’t walk distracted or use cell phones while walking
  • Wear headlamps or high-visibility clothing when walking at night
  • Consider inclement weather conditions before going out for jogs or runs

Common Ways Motorists Cause Pedestrian Accidents

Low visibility, inclement weather, ineffective street design, poor infrastructure, and irresponsible pedestrian behavior can all contribute to accidents, but the driver’s negligence is the cause of many pedestrian-involved crashes. 

Distracted driving is a major contributor to pedestrian accidents in Watertown. In 2022, over 280,000 people were injured in car accidents involving distracted drivers. Driving distracted is a major problem in Connecticut and throughout the United States. When a driver takes their eyes or attention away from the road, the risk of injuring someone increases exponentially. 

Other common driver behaviors that lead to pedestrian accidents include:

  • Speeding
  • Failure to yield the right-of-way
  • Driving under the influence
  • Road rage and aggressive driving
  • Running red lights
  • Ignoring street signs and traffic signals

If you or a loved one has been struck by a vehicle in Watertown, you deserve to hold the driver liable for their negligence. With help from an experienced pedestrian accident attorney at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, you may be able to recover the financial damages you need to focus on your health and well-being after a catastrophic injury. 

Contact Our Watertown Pedestrian Accident Attorneys for a Free Consultation

Learn more about safety precautions for Watertown pedestrians by contacting our firm. We offer free in-person and virtual consultations to make getting started with your claim as easy as possible. Call us today to schedule your free consultation.