Any injury to a child can disrupt your life and theirs temporarily. When the injury is serious and has a permanent impact, your life and theirs can change forever.

When your child is hurt and you believe someone else is to blame, contact a Torrington child injury lawyer at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, immediately. Our firm has been representing injured people in the community for more than 30 years and has amassed a stellar record of success. One of our seasoned injury attorneys can discuss the situation that injured your child, evaluate whether you have a legal claim, and, if so, pursue compensation from the responsible party.

Determining Whether Negligent Conduct Contributed to the Injury

Children get injured in accidents just as adults do. Injuries to children can result from a hazardous condition in a public place, motor vehicle accident, animal attack, medical malpractice, or any other common mishap.

Children often get hurt when they are not in your care. When a child suffers injuries at school, camp, on the school bus, at a daycare or at a recreational program, the people supervising the children may have legal liability for the injury.

You can hold someone legally responsible for your child’s injury if they were negligent and the negligence is the direct cause of the harm your child suffered. Negligence means failing to use reasonable care to prevent an injury. Our Torrington child injury attorneys can review the evidence and determine whether someone else’s negligence harmed your child.

Both the Child and Parents Could Be Entitled to Compensation

Children cannot file lawsuits, so you will need to file on your child’s behalf. The lawsuit can claim compensation for the losses your child suffered and the losses for medical expenses you and your co-parent suffered because of your child’s injuries. Our Torrington lawyers at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, can help you document all the losses associated with your child’s injury.

Your child can claim financial compensation for the impact of the injury, such as pain, inability to participate in activities they enjoy, and scarring. They can claim compensation for disability if the injury affects their physical functioning or intellectual development. When an injury could prevent the child from earning a living, the negligent party must pay for their reduced future earning capacity.

As parents, you could claim compensation for your expenses related to getting your child appropriate treatment and providing supportive therapy and care. If you witnessed the injury, you could also claim compensation for the emotional distress you experienced due to your child’s injury.

Settling Lawsuits When the Injured Victim Is a Child

Personal injury lawsuits go to trial less frequently than they settle. Although our Torrington child injury attorneys always prepare a case as if it will be litigated, most cases end in a settlement before trial. Our reputation for success helps many cases to settle short of trial.

When a parent agrees to a settlement on behalf of a minor child, Connecticut General Statute § 45a-151 requires a probate court judge to approve it in most cases. The judge evaluates the child’s injuries, prognosis, and likely future needs. If the judge determines the proposed settlement serves the child’s best interests, the court approves it.

Parents can collect the compensation they receive for their claims, but money to settle the child’s claims belongs to the child. The settlement funds will be held in a court-supervised account or annuity until the child is 18. Parents can access the money only with court approval and the judge must be convinced the expenditure is in the child’s best interests.

Seek Help From a Torrington Attorney When Your Child Is Injured

A serious injury to a child creates emotional and financial turmoil. Allow a Torrington child injury lawyer at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, to help you hold the person who injured your child accountable.

The time for action is short, so contact a legal professional as quickly as possible. We offer free in-person or remote initial consultations, so there is no reason not to get started today. Call now.