Safe drivers understand that keeping their attention focused on the road is the best way to prevent accidents. Commercial drivers, in particular, should be acutely aware of the dangers of distracted driving.

Even so, distracted driving truck accidents in Connecticut happen frequently. If you were injured in a collision with a tractor-trailer because the truck driver was inattentive, you deserve compensation. Contact the experienced attorneys at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC for help.

Truckers Are Exposed to Many Distractions

Trucking is a difficult job. The vehicles are challenging to drive, and truckers often work long hours and must spend time away from their families. It is not surprising they could be tempted by distractions.

Cell phone use is the most common form of driver distraction, but there are others. A driver’s dispatching system can divert their attention from the road, and so can adjusting the radio. Drivers often eat, drink, and smoke in the cab, which can interfere with safe driving.

Truckers and trucking companies must comply with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations governing the industry. An FMCSA rule bars commercial drivers from using a handheld device while operating their trucks unless it is securely fastened within reach and the driver is restrained by a seat belt. The driver may use hands-free and voice-activated functions but cannot use their device in a manner that requires them to press more than one button.

Proving a Truck Driver Was Distracted to Establish Negligence

When you are injured in a truck crash, you can seek compensation from the trucking company if the driver was negligent. Failing to be attentive when operating a vehicle is negligent, but your attorney must prove negligence to obtain compensation on your behalf.

Sometimes, a trucker admits to investigating police officers that they took their eyes off the road momentarily, but that is unusual. Our Connecticut attorneys usually must investigate the accident to find evidence the truck driver was distracted. The in-cab video system, driver’s cell phone records, and surveillance video often provide the necessary evidence.

Truck drivers and trucking companies must adhere to high safety standards. They must use the utmost care to prevent a situation that causes injuries to others. Proof the driver was distracted immediately before the crash occurred is evidence of negligence.

Obtaining Compensation After a Truck Crash

When you suffer injuries in an accident, you are entitled to receive enough money to cover your out-of-pocket losses, such as:

  • Medical costs;
  • Lost earnings; and
  • Incidental expenses.

When your injuries prevent your return to work temporarily or permanently, you can seek compensation for your diminished earning capacity. You can also collect compensation for the impact the crash had on your quality of life. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Physical pain;
  • Emotional anguish;
  • Disability; and
  • Disfigurement.

The trucking company, the driver, and any other party who might be liable for the collision will typically attempt to negotiate a settlement to compensate your injuries. However, when negotiations do not produce an acceptable agreement, you can pursue compensation in court.

Connecticut General Statutes § 52-584 requires an attorney representing anyone injured in a truck accident to file a lawsuit within two years of the crash. Waiting to engage a lawyer can weaken your case, as your leverage diminishes as the time to file a lawsuit approaches. When you contact D’Amico and Pettinicchi, LLC, soon after a distracted driving 18-wheeler collision in Connecticut, they can do a thorough investigation that puts you in a strong negotiating position.

Work With a Connecticut Attorney After a Distracted Truck Driver Injures You

Truck accidents can produce permanently disabling injuries. When a distracted truck driver is at fault, the driver and their employer must pay for the harm you suffer due to their negligence.

The attorneys at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, offer skilled legal representation to people injured in distracted driving truck accidents in Connecticut. Call to set up a free, no-obligation remote or in-person consultation with one of our lawyers today.