Accidents involving large trucks cause devastating injuries every day in the US. The increased size and weight of semi-trucks and other large commercial vehicles means they pose an increased risk of harm. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration reports that, in 2023, there were 1,738 crashes involving large trucks and buses in Connecticut. These accidents resulted in 33 fatalities and 739 injuries. 

Truck accidents can be caused by distracted driving, inclement weather conditions, or traffic violations, among many other contributing factors. However, truck blind spots are notoriously dangerous when sharing the road with tractor-trailers. Blind-spot truck accidents in Connecticut can lead to catastrophic injuries for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other motorists. 

If you were hit by a large truck while in their blind spot, contact the truck accident attorneys at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC. We have over 100 years of combined experience helping clients fight for the compensation they deserve.

What Are the Blind Spots on a Tractor-Trailer Truck?

A truck’s blind spots are located on all sides of the vehicle – the passenger side, driver’s side, front, and back of the truck. The biggest blind spot is on the passenger side, and it typically extends:

  • Two lanes to the right of the truck
  • From the front of the truck to the back of the trailer

On the driver’s side, the blind spot stretches halfway down the trailer from the front of the truck and is about one lane wide. The front and rear blind spots extend multiple car lengths away from the truck. 

Many tractor-trailers have warning signs on the rear of the truck notifying drivers of the passenger-side blind spot, but avoiding the entire right side of a large truck is not always possible. Blind-spot truck crashes in Connecticut often occur when a vehicle or pedestrian is on the right side of a semi-truck.

What Causes Blind-Spot Truck Collisions?

Driver error is the leading cause of blind-spot truck accidents. When truck drivers fail to properly check their blind spots before changing lanes, turning, reversing, or accelerating, their negligence can lead to collisions. Other factors that can further contribute to accidents include drowsy driving, speeding, tailgating, road rage, and equipment failure. 

Identifying the cause of the accident is an essential part of your injury claim because the at-fault party will be liable for the damages you suffered as a result of the collision. The truck accident attorneys at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, can assess your case and evaluate the evidence to determine who is at fault for your accident. 

Depending on the specific circumstances of your Connecticut blind-spot truck accident, one or more of the following parties may be liable for your injuries:

  • Truck driver
  • Trucking company
  • Vehicle manufacturer
  • Mechanic or maintenance provider

Truck accidents are more complex than most other types of motor vehicle accidents, and having legal representation you can trust to fight for your best interests provides invaluable benefits. 

Avoiding a Semi-Truck’s Blind Spots

Staying out of a truck’s blind spots, sometimes called No Zones, is one of the most common pieces of advice for drivers sharing the road with large commercial trucks. Driving in these spaces is unavoidable in some situations, but when possible, consider following these safe driving practices:

  • Don’t drive in the No Zones 
  • Leave multiple car lengths between your vehicle and the truck
  • Don’t pass on the right side
  • Watch for turning trucks since they need extra room

Call Our Blind-Spot Truck Accident Attorneys in Connecticut

Even the safest driver cannot always avoid collisions. If you’ve been injured in a blind-spot truck accident in Connecticut, contact D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced injury lawyers. We are deeply familiar with state laws and federal regulations that dictate truck accident cases and financial recovery after an injury. We work tirelessly for our clients to ensure they have the best possible chance of receiving maximum compensation for their injuries. Contact us today.