Nursing homes are supposed to provide care and support to the vulnerable elderly population and serve as a safe haven for aging adults in their later years. However, abuse and neglect occur far too often despite Connecticut’s strict regulations regarding elder abuse. Being able to identify the warning signs of nursing home abuse in Waterbury can help family members ensure their aging loved ones are safe and receiving the care they need and deserve. Contact the compassionate nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys at our firm to discuss your legal rights and options.

Types of Nursing Home Abuse

Identifying the signs of abuse means understanding the different types of abuse that elderly adults experience. There are multiple types of abuse that can occur in Waterbury nursing homes.

Physical Abuse: this type of abuse occurs when a caregiver or facility staff member causes bodily harm to a resident. This can include pushing, hitting, or kicking the resident, as well as restraining them against their will and purposefully administering harmful medication or withholding medication.

Emotional Abuse: also called psychological abuse, emotional abuse occurs when a caregiver makes hurtful or derogatory comments, yells at residents, threatens them, or ignores them. Other examples include preventing them from having visitors and treating them differently than other residents in order to inflict emotional pain.

Neglect: this type of nursing home abuse involves ignoring requests and needs, as well as withholding necessities and services like food, medications, and healthcare. Neglect may be occurring if the patient’s social, emotional, or physical needs are not being met.

Sexual Abuse: older adults are also vulnerable to sexual abuse, which occurs when they are forced to participate in or observe sexual acts against their will.

Connecticut law states that elder abuse includes the following:

  • Willful infliction of pain, injury, or mental anguish
  • Willful deprivation of services
  • Abandonment
  • Exploitation
  • Neglect

Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

The signs of abuse in Waterbury nursing homes will vary depending on the type of abuse, the severity, and numerous other details. However, there are some universal warning signs that are often present when a nursing home resident is being abused.

Abuse may be occurring if the resident:

  • Is suddenly withdrawn or depressed
  • Becomes easily agitated or lashes out
  • Is exhibiting self-soothing behavior, like rocking back and forth
  • Has new and unexplained marks, like bruises or scratches
  • Develops bedsores
  • Becomes sad or cries easily
  • Has experienced weight loss with no clinical explanation
  • Is missing their healthcare and assistive items, like walkers or hearing aids
  • Is showing signs of poor hygiene, like dirty clothes or foul smells
  • Alteration in mental state such as acute onset confusion

Signs can also sometimes be seen in the facility itself. Messy or unclean resident rooms or hazardous conditions in other parts of the facility could point to neglect.

Contact a Waterbury Attorney If You Notice Warning Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

If you notice warning signs of nursing home abuse in Waterbury, contact the attorneys at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC. Our experience spans over 100 combined years, which helps us give our clients the dedicated and knowledgeable support they need during their nursing home abuse claims. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.