The average precipitation in Connecticut during the winter months is 25.6 inches, and with high temperatures typically staying below 40 degrees, this wetness can easily turn into snow and ice.

When bad weather contributes to car accidents, the attorneys at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, are here to help you seek compensation for the damages you sustain. From property damage and lost wages to physical and psychological injuries, we have over a century of combined experience at our disposal to help you on your path to recovery after a car accident involving bad weather in Litchfield.

What Types of Inclement Weather Cause Accidents?

While wintery conditions in Connecticut often lead to collisions during the colder months of the year, snow and ice on the streets are not the only cause of car accidents in Litchfield. Numerous types of inclement weather can create safety hazards for drivers and lead to accidents involving cars, large trucks, buses, motorcycles, bicyclists, and pedestrians, including:

  • Fog and mist
  • Rain
  • Fall leaves
  • High winds
  • Winter sand

Traveling safely on Connecticut’s streets can be challenging in severe weather, and every driver is responsible for operating their vehicles with care. When weather events cause accidents, navigating injury claims can be challenging as injured parties try to determine who is at fault.

Who Is Responsible When Weather Causes a Collision?

Determining liability in an accident involving bad weather is complex. There are many considerations that can impact how these cases are handled, including premises liability and Connecticut’s modified comparative negligence rule.

Fault can be shared among multiple parties in a bad weather car accident in Litchfield, and if you are found to be partially liable, your total compensation will be decreased by your percentage of fault. Drivers have a duty to follow the rules of the road to prevent accidents, which can look like:

  • Following a safe distance behind other vehicles
  • Driving at an appropriate speed for the weather conditions
  • Using headlights and windshield wipers to improve visibility
  • Not making sudden turns to avoid skidding

If drivers operate their vehicles in a way that is hazardous according to the road conditions, they could be liable for the accident despite the inclement weather.

In some car accident cases, premises liability may play a role in determining fault. Connecticut requires property owners and occupiers to keep their premises reasonably safe for visitors, which can include clearing snow and ice. Accidents that occur on private property, such as store parking lots or private driveways, may be caused by the owner’s failure to maintain their property.

Experienced Guidance After a Bad Weather Car Accident in Litchfield

Seeking compensation after a car accident involving bad weather in Litchfield requires a careful review of the factors that led to the accident. Was weather the only contributing element, or was a motorist also at fault for the collision?

The attorneys at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, have been navigating complex car accident cases for over 100 combined years. We know how to determine liability and build a strong case for maximum compensation. Contact us to schedule an in-person or virtual consultation.