Bullying is a sensitive and serious issue in Connecticut’s classrooms, as well as in schools across the nation. In a 2022 study conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics, 19% of students reported being bullied during school. Bullying is among the top concerns for parents, with 35% of parents stating they are extremely concerned about this issue, according to a Pew Research Center report. The Pew Research Center also found that 53% of teenagers think cyberbullying is a major problem.

School bullying includes various behaviors meant to intimidate, harass, or harm students. It includes physical abuse, name-calling, pranks, verbal abuse, and other forms of physical, verbal, or psychological intimidation or harm. Connecticut’s state law establishes the definition of bullying and lays out guidelines for schools regarding how to address bullying.

If your child has experienced bullying at school, legal action may be an option. The school bullying lawyers at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, have extensive experience fighting for families in Connecticut who have been impacted by negligent and reckless conduct.

Connecticut’s School Bullying Law

Connecticut’s Public Act No. 11-232 was signed into law in July of 2011, and it defines bullying as “the repeated use by one or more students of a written, oral or electronic communication” directed at another student or “a physical act or gesture by one or more students repeatedly directed at another student” that does one or more of the following:

  • Causes emotional or physical harm
  • Places the student in fear of harm
  • Creates a hostile environment
  • Infringes on the student’s rights
  • Substantially disrupts the school’s operation

The Act also includes cyberbullying and defines it as a type of bullying that occurs on the internet or through digital technologies and electronic communications.

School Bullying and Connecticut School Requirements

Connecticut law also requires education boards to create and implement policies that specifically address bullying, including provisions regarding:

  • Allowing parents and guardians to report suspected bullying via written reports
  • Appointing a safe school climate coordinator
  • Allowing students to report bullying anonymously

In addition, school staff and teachers who receive bullying reports or witness bullying must notify an administrator no later than one day later. A written report is required within two days after making the initial oral report.

Students who are bullied are negatively affected by this treatment in numerous ways that extend beyond the actual bullying act. Bullying can lead to:

  • Depression
  • Suicidal ideation
  • Low self-esteem
  • Aggression
  • Substance abuse
  • Sleep disorders
  • Headaches
  • Anxiety
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Poor academic performance
  • Suicide

Finding out that your child has been the victim of school bullying is devastating. The attorneys at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, can help you advocate for your child’s rights and well-being after a bullying incident.

Can Schools be Held Liable for Bullying in Connecticut?

Connecticut offers state and municipal immunity to government employees, which includes school staff. Specifically, state law says that no employee or officer of the state shall be held personally liable for injuries that occur while performing within the regular scope of their employment; however, there are exceptions to this immunity for negligent acts. Navigating these exceptions is a complicated process and is fact- intensive on a case- by- case basis Also, wanton, reckless, and malicious behavior is not included in this liability protection.

If you believe that the actions of the school played a part in your child’s bullying, contact the attorneys at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC. We can help you determine if the school adhered to the provisions of state laws regarding bullying and harassment. Schedule your free consultation with one of our school bullying lawyers today.