The doctors and staff at nursing homes have a duty to ensure the medications they provide to residents are administered safely and correctly. Medication errors in Connecticut nursing homes have the potential to cause life-threatening harm. When healthcare providers are negligent or otherwise fail to uphold their duty to residents, they may be liable for any damage they cause.
The legal team at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, has been helping people recover financial compensation for nursing home negligence for over 100 combined years. Our experience and in-depth knowledge of the Connecticut legal system make us an ideal partner for your medication error claim. If you suspect that your loved one has been injured by a medication mistake, contact us to discuss legal options for recovery.
Prescribing medications requires an understanding of how the drug will affect each patient and how it will interact with other medications. Nursing home staff who administer the medications must ensure they provide the proper medicine in the correct dosage. Residents must also be closely monitored to ensure there are no dangerous side effects or complications.
Negligence or failure in any step of the medication process can have disastrous effects, and unfortunately, mistakes occur far too often. The most common medication mistakes in Connecticut nursing homes include the following:
The Code of Federal Regulations requires facilities to keep their medication error rate at or below 5 percent. However, even though nursing homes are legally allowed to make some percentage of mistakes when providing medicines to residents, that does not mean they cannot be held liable for the harm they cause by ignoring resident care and safety.
If your aging loved one has been harmed by medication errors, one or more of the following may be the cause:
Regardless of what led to the mistake, the fact is that the person responsible for harming your family member should be held accountable. Connecticut allows injured patients to seek the following damages:
The attorneys at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, have long been devoted advocates for injured nursing home residents in Connecticut. With over a century of combined experience, our lawyers are equipped to handle even the most complex cases, including those involving medication errors in Connecticut nursing homes. We cannot undo the harm the nursing home has caused, but we can ensure that your loved one has the best chance at a successful outcome in their injury claim. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.