Choosing the best nursing home for your aging loved one is not easy. From the level of care they need and the accommodations of the facility to the socializing opportunities and recreational activities, there are so many factors to consider. The menu and quality of food may also be on your list, but it’s important not to overlook mealtime procedures and protocol in addition to food choices.

Choking is a valid concern for aging adults, and nursing homes that do not properly supervise or accommodate their residents could be liable for injuries caused by choking accidents. If you suspect that your loved one’s facility is to blame for their choking injuries, contact the nursing home attorneys at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC.

Aging Adults and the Risk of Choking

Choking is the second most common cause of preventable death among nursing home residents, and 56% of all people who pass away from choking are over the age of 74. People over 65 years old are seven times more likely to choke than toddlers.

Many of the typical symptoms of aging can cause choking hazards, including loss of muscle strength, poor coordination, and tooth loss. There are numerous other issues that commonly affect older adults that can also make choking a serious concern, including:

  • Dry mouth
  • Degenerative diseases
  • Stroke
  • Dysphagia

Signs of Choking Nursing Homes Should Watch For

Pre-existing conditions like dysphagia, which is difficulty swallowing, should alert nursing home staff that a patient needs extra care and attention at mealtimes. Dysphagia can present symptoms like:

  • Coughing when swallowing
  • Gagging
  • Drooling
  • Heartburn
  • Pain with swallowing
  • Regurgitation

When a nursing home resident is choking, it’s not always immediately obvious. Staff must be attentive in order to notice many of the symptoms, including:

  • Inability to talk
  • Panicked facial expression
  • Squeaking or noisy breathing
  • Cough
  • Discoloration in lips and skin
  • Loss of consciousness

How Nursing Homes Can Prevent Choking

While some choking accidents are unfortunate tragedies that are no one’s fault, other incidents could have been prevented if the nursing home staff had fulfilled their duty of care to residents. Some of the steps facility nurses and healthcare practitioners can take to protect their patients include cutting the food into small pieces, avoiding serving food that is difficult to chew or swallow, making drinks thicker and easier to swallow, double checking that the food served meets the dietary order, and supervising meals carefully.

Negligent medical professionals have the potential to cause life-altering harm to the patients they are meant to care for, which is why they deserve to be held accountable for their negligence or recklessness.

Trusted Advocacy for Your Aging Loved One

At D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, we value the health, safety, and overall care of the aging population, and we use our 100+ years of cumulative legal experience to advocate for the justice and compensation injured nursing home residents deserve.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. We will evaluate your case and provide individualized guidance and legal strategies for holding nursing homes accountable for their actions.