An estimated 80 percent of traffic crashes involve driver distraction. This number may seem shockingly high, but the number of potential distractions while driving is regularly increasing: screens built into car dashboards, GPS devices, cell phones, music streaming to the car’s audio system, busy roads, increasing wildlife activity, three rows of passengers, and the list goes on.

Regardless of the many things that threaten to pull attention away from the road, drivers have a responsibility to stay focused on safely operating their vehicles. If you’ve been injured by a driver who wasn’t paying attention, contact a Connecticut distracted driving car accident lawyer at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, to discuss your legal options.

Types of Distracted Driving that Cause Accidents

Manual, visual, and cognitive are the three types of distractions while driving.

Manual Distractions

Anytime a driver takes their hands off the wheel to perform another task while driving, they are engaged in a manual distraction. This includes:

  • Pushing buttons on the car’s radio
  • Adjusting the AC
  • Eating
  • Holding a cell phone
  • Picking up something from the floor
  • Handing an item to a passenger
  • Fixing hair or makeup

Visual Distractions

Taking your eyes off the road for any reason is a visual distraction, including:

Many manual distractions are also visual distractions.

Cognitive Distractions

Driving requires focus, and when your mind wanders and is not focused on operating the vehicle, this is considered cognitive distraction. Daydreaming or spacing out while behind the wheel is enough to cause an accident. Many of the most common distracted driving activities can include all three types, such as:

  • Sending or reading texts
  • Doing makeup or hair
  • Scrolling on a cell phone to pick a song
  • Talking on the phone
  • Having a conversation with passengers

Distracted driving can be fatal and cause catastrophic injuries to passengers, other motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists. If you were involved in a car crash with a distracted driver in Connecticut, do not hesitate to contact one of the skilled attorneys at our firm for legal guidance.

Connecticut Laws Regarding Distracted Driving

Connecticut has enacted laws to cut back on distracted driving caused by electronic device use.

  • Motorists cannot text while driving, including reading or writing texts.
  • Drivers are not allowed to use hand-held cell phones or any other hand-held electronic devices while operating their vehicles.
  • Adult drivers can use hands-free accessories for devices while driving.
  • Drivers under 18 years old cannot use a hand-held or hands-free cell phone or electronic device while operating a vehicle.

Despite these updated laws and regulations, many people still choose to multi-task while driving instead of keeping their focus on the road. When someone’s careless actions cause you or a loved one to suffer harm, let our Connecticut distracted driving car wreck lawyers help you hold them accountable.

Seeking Compensation After a Distracted Driving Accident in Connecticut

Distracted driving creates significant risk and endangers the lives of everyone on the roads. If you’ve been injured by a distracted driver, contact a Connecticut distracted driving car accident lawyer at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, for a free consultation.

Our attorneys have decades of experience helping injured accident victims with insurance claims, settlement negotiations, and injury lawsuits.