Nursing homes are meant to provide a safe and secure home for aging adults to receive the healthcare and daily assistance they need. Unfortunately, abuse is widespread in these facilities, which can leave elderly patients with physical and psychological injuries.

Sexual abuse in nursing homes causes tremendous mental and physical pain for victims, and the shame and embarrassment that many people feel after this type of abuse means they are hesitant to report it or seek help. At D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, we create a space for our clients to feel safe sharing their experiences with us, which in turn allows us to build a strong case to hold their abuser accountable.

Nursing Home Abuse Statistics

The statistics of nursing home abuse are shocking:

  • The World Health Organization reports that around 66% of nursing home staff have engaged in abusive behavior in the last 12 months.
  • An estimated 16% of residents report being abused, but the National Institutes of Health states that only 7% of abuse cases are reported.
  • Approximately 95% of nursing home residents say they have been abused or witnessed another resident be abused.

If your loved one is among those nursing home residents who have been abused by facility staff, contact the nursing home abuse attorneys at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC. Abused residents deserve support and advocacy from highly qualified lawyers, and our attorneys have over 100 years of combined experience to draw upon when fighting for your loved one.

Signs of Nursing Home Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse in nursing homes can be challenging to notice. Most often, residents show signs of emotional changes and behavioral shifts due to the psychological toll sexual abuse has on victims. If your aging loved one exhibits concerning changes in their emotions or personality, it may be due to abusive nursing home caregivers. Some examples include:

  • Fearful behavior or withdrawal
  • Frequent or unexplained crying
  • Increased agitation or frustration
  • New complaints about their treatment

Other signs that sexual abuse has occurred can include urinary tract infections, unexplained bruising, and genital pain or infections.

Contact a Connecticut Nursing Home Sexual Abuse Lawyer

As long-time fixtures in the local legal world, the attorneys at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, have earned the respect of our clients, the courts, and fellow legal professionals. We provide compassionate counsel and skilled guidance after what is often the most difficult period of our clients’ lives.

Our nursing home abuse attorneys can:

  • Collect and preserve evidence to build a strong case
  • Calculate the value of damages your loved one is entitled to
  • Negotiate a settlement with the nursing home
  • File a lawsuit if a reasonable settlement offer is not made

We know our role in our clients’ lives extends beyond legal tasks. Financial compensation is a major contributor to overall recovery after a traumatic and injury-causing event. By fighting for your loved one’s right to compensation, we are advocating for their physical and emotional well-being.

Contact D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, today to schedule a free consultation with one of our nursing home sexual abuse lawyers.