An injury that causes paralysis is catastrophic. Your life changes completely from one moment to the next.

Most injuries that cause paralysis are caused by accidents, and almost all accidents are caused by someone’s careless or reckless behavior. When you have suffered paralysis as a result of an accident, you can demand compensation from all parties who contributed to the incident.

Living with paralysis is expensive, so it’s important to work with experienced legal professionals like the team at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, to obtain the compensation you need. Contact a Waterbury paralysis injury lawyer at our firm to benefit from our decades of experience obtaining results for people suffering from serious injuries.

Common Causes of Paralysis

Paralysis causes immobility in the part of the body it affects. Depending on the cause, you might also lose sensation in the paralyzed area.

Strokes are a leading cause of paralysis in older Americans. Some diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and Lou Gehrig’s disease, can lead to paralysis. When a medical professional’s mistaken diagnosis or misjudgment causes paralysis, you might have a medical malpractice claim against them.

Most paralysis results from accidents that damage the spinal cord. Falls, motor vehicle crashes, and sports accidents are all leading causes of spinal cord injuries. Gunshots and stab wounds also can damage the spinal cord and cause paralysis. Sometimes paralysis can result from situations where the brain is deprived of oxygen, such as drowning or severe head injuries.

Holding Responsible Parties Accountable

When someone behaves negligently and someone else suffers an injury, the negligent party is responsible for paying compensation to the injured person. Negligence means not taking reasonable steps to prevent injuries to others. A negligent party could be a person, a company, or a unit of government like a city or a state.

The Waterbury lawyers at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, will investigate the incident that caused your paralysis. They can identify all parties whose conduct contributed to the situation that caused your injury. Then, they will bring claims against all the parties they identify, increasing the pool of insurance coverage to ensure you receive adequate compensation.

You are entitled to compensation that covers your medical expenses and lost wages and provides money to make up for your diminished future earnings. You can also get compensation for your:

  • Disability
  • Disfigurement
  • Emotional distress
  • Physical pain
  • Other changes to your quality of life

The money you receive is called your damages.

You Will Collect Less If You Were Negligent

In some cases, your behavior might have contributed to your injury. In that case, Connecticut General Statutes § 52-572h says you can still seek damages from other negligent parties as long as the accident was not mostly your fault.

The parties will negotiate an allocation of responsibility, deciding how much fault each bears for the accident. If you were 10 percent at fault, you can collect 90 percent of your damages.  If the claim is not settled, a jury will determine if your conduct contributed to your injuries and, if so, in what percentage.

Get Legal Representation Early

When you suffer a life-changing injury, insurers for potentially responsible parties often take the initiative. They may approach you soon after the incident with an offer of cash in exchange for an agreement not to sue. You shouldn’t speak with these insurance company representatives, and you must never accept an offer or sign anything before speaking with a seasoned paralysis injury attorney in Waterbury.

Your damages after a life-altering injury will likely be several times what the insurance company offers you. In addition, the representative will note everything you say and try to use it against you to diminish your claim.

When you hire an attorney immediately, all communication from insurance companies must go through them. The legal team at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, is adept at managing these communications and ensuring no inadvertent remarks could weaken your claim. With decades of experience backing us up, we understand the value of your claim and will not settle for less than you deserve.

Rely on a Waterbury Attorney After a Paralysis Injury

Sudden paralysis is a physical, emotional, and financial shock. You will need significant time and space to adjust. You should not be trying to negotiate with insurance companies during your recovery.

Allow a Waterbury paralysis injury lawyer from D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, to manage the legal and financial aspects of your injury. Contact us today to set up a free remote or in-person consultation.

Our Community Involvement

D’Amico & Pettinicchi proudly supports great causes throughout Connecticut. We are involved in our community and dedicated to making our community safer and healthier, and we carry that commitment through everything we do.

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If you or someone you love has suffered an injury or illness, you need to take immediate action so we can start our investigation. It’s not just a legal matter; it’s about helping you rebuild your life.

We have a proven track record of success. Other lawyers refer their cases to us because we have the experience and resources to resolve these complex matters.

It’s important that you contact us right away, before evidence disappears and critical legal deadlines expire. Our office is centrally located in Watertown and we offer legal counsel to victims and their families throughout Connecticut. Contact us online or by phone to schedule a free remote or in-person consultation.