Serious burns are complex injuries that can have life-altering consequences. Even less severe burns cause pain and reduce function, at least temporarily. When someone else’s carelessness or recklessness caused the burn, you can seek compensation.

Our catastrophic injury attorneys at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, have represented injured people throughout Connecticut for decades. A Waterbury burn injury lawyer at our firm has the knowledge and skill to help people suffering from serious burns obtain the justice they deserve.

Understanding Burn Injuries

Burns can be caused by heat, smoke, flame, electricity, and some chemicals. They damage the skin, the largest organ in the body. The skin is a barrier against bacteria and pathogens and helps regulate the body temperature.

Doctors rank the severity of burns according to how deeply they penetrate the skin and how much of the body surface is affected. First- and second-degree burns are usually superficial and often heal without medical intervention. Third-degree burns penetrate all layers of the skin and require skin grafts. Fourth-degree burns penetrate to the fat layer under the skin, fifth-degree burns affect muscle, and sixth-degree burns penetrate to the bone. Fifth and sixth-degree burns are almost always fatal.

The damage to the skin is not the most serious consequence of severe burns. The body’s reaction to the damage is to send blood to the site of the injury, but that can deprive the other organs of oxygen. A person with severe burns could suffer damage to their heart, kidneys, and brain because of this strong immune response, which is sometimes fatal.

Compensation for Burn Injuries

Various accidents can cause burns. When the accident happened because someone else did not use reasonable care to prevent it, that party was negligent. A negligent party is responsible for paying compensation to anyone their carelessness harmed.

Severe burns take a long time to heal and could require multiple surgeries or procedures. Recovery is painful. Burns often leave disfiguring scars, and sometimes, a burn victim loses functioning in the affected body part. Burn victims frequently face mental health challenges.

When you suffer burns in an accident caused by someone else, you could seek compensation for all the impacts the burn injury has had on your life. You could claim your out-of-pocket expenses like medical care and lost wages. Compensation for losses like pain, scarring, emotional trauma, and disability may also be available. Our Waterbury burn injury attorneys will work closely with you and your family to document the full impact of the burn and ensure you receive adequate compensation for your losses.

Your Conduct Can Impact Your Damages

Many accidents that lead to burns result from several parties being careless or reckless. When your own behavior might have contributed to the accident, you can still collect compensation in many cases.

Connecticut General Statutes § 52-572h allows a negligent person to claim damages if they were not more than 50 percent responsible for the accident.  A jury apportions responsibility if the case goes to trial, but in most cases, insurance companies and our attorneys negotiate and decide how much blame should be placed on each party.

Having an experienced lawyer advocating for you during these negotiations is important. When you bear some responsibility for an accident, your damages are reduced proportionally. Our team of dedicated burn injury lawyers in Waterbury will challenge any attempt to make you carry more than your fair share of the blame.

Let a Waterbury Attorney Help You Pursue Damages for a Burn Injury

When you suffer from severe burns, you may spend weeks or even months in the hospital recovering. Even after you have been discharged, getting back to normal can be a challenge.

Allow a Waterbury burn injury lawyer at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, to guide you in getting compensation for your injuries. We can schedule a remote initial consultation while you are still in the hospital or recovering at home, or you can come into the office if you prefer. Consultations are always free and no-obligation, so get in touch today.