Appropriate staffing is a key component of quality care and treatment in Torrington nursing homes. Residents suffer when facilities are understaffed, and if injuries or illness occur as a result, the nursing home may be liable for the harm they’ve caused.
Navigating claims around understaffing in Torrington nursing homes can be overwhelming and confusing, but the attorneys at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, can clarify and guide you through the process. Our nursing home neglect and abuse lawyers have over 100 years of combined experience, and our legal team is ready to provide caring advocacy and support to nursing home patients and their families.
Despite the importance of fully staffed facilities, there are not currently any federal government regulations that dictate a minimum number of caregivers or staff to be on duty in nursing homes. Federal law only broadly requires nursing homes to have enough staff to safely provide care for patients.
Connecticut law includes more specific requirements for nursing home staff. First, staff members must be sufficiently capable and of good character and suitable temperament. Additional state requirements include that the number of staff, as well as their experience and qualifications, must be such that each patient:
There must be at least one registered nurse on duty at all times, and the facility’s administrator must meet with the nursing director at least once per month to assess the staffing requirements.
The specific requirements vary based on the type of facility, the number of residents, and the licensure of the staff members.
Nursing homes have faced hiring issues for many decades, and 87 percent of facilities have moderate or high shortages. Understaffed facilities often lead to high turnover rates, staff burnout, and increased workload. While this is an unfortunate situation for nurses, doctors, and other staff members, the dangers for residents can be life-threatening.
When there are not enough nursing home caregivers to properly care for residents, it is only a matter of time before these staffing issues cause severe or fatal accidents for patients. From hygiene and grooming to medications and meals, insufficient staffing impacts every part of a nursing home resident’s life and care. In some cases, understaffed facilities can lead to residents suffering injuries and harm, including:
If your loved one has been injured or become ill as a result of an understaffed nursing home in Torrington, you need qualified legal representation to help your family members pursue the compensation they deserve.
The attorneys at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, tirelessly advocate for our clients to give them the best chance at securing financial damages after being harmed by nursing home staff. Caregivers in nursing facilities have a duty to provide appropriate care to patients, and understaffing does not exempt them from this requirement.
Contact us today to learn more about understaffing in Torrington nursing homes and whether you have a right to file a claim.