Every day in the United States, one in 43 nursing home residents contracts an infection from their healthcare. This startling statistic shows why nursing homes must be vigilant about the prevention, diagnosis, and early intervention of infections in their residents.

If you believe that your loved one’s infection was caused by their nursing home’s negligence, you need a skilled attorney on your side to fight for their right to compensation. The nursing home infections lawyers at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, have been helping clients in and around Torrington for over 100 combined years.

Common Infections in Torrington Nursing Homes

Weakened immune systems, shared living spaces, and pre-existing conditions all contribute to the increased risk of infections in the nursing home population. While the types of infections that residents may contract are numerous, there are some that are prevalent among the aging population in long-term care facilities. These include the following:

Urinary tract infections: medication side effects, poor hygiene, dehydration and improper catheter use can all lead to a urinary tract infection in nursing homes.

Respiratory infections: nursing home residents with chronic lung problems or difficulty swallowing may see a higher frequency of respiratory infections, but any resident could face severe or life-threatening infections like pneumonia.

Skin infections: bedsores that are not treated promptly or appropriately can quickly lead to skin infections like cellulitis or sepsis, which are severe and potentially fatal.

Gastrointestinal infections: symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps from gastrointestinal infections often lead to dangerous complications like dehydration and malnutrition in the aging population.

Causes of Infections in Torrington Nursing Homes

Many infections that occur in nursing homes can be attributed to negligence by caregivers. Nursing home physicians, nurses, and other staff members have a duty to care for their patients and treat them with respect and dignity. When they fail to uphold that duty, they may be held liable for the injuries that their elderly residents experience.

Nursing home infections can be caused by:

  • Failure to uphold hygienic practices, such as changing sheets, diapers or washing hands
  • Understaffed facilities that struggle to keep up with the needs of the residents
  • Improperly using medical devices like IV lines or catheters
  • Failure to diagnose or treat infections appropriately

If your loved one’s infection was caused by improper care or negligence in their nursing home, they may be able to seek legal action to hold the facility liable. To establish a nursing home infection claim based on negligence in Torrington, the following elements must be present:

  • The nursing home failed to provide the required standard of care
  • The facility’s failure led to the patient’s infection
  • The infection caused the patient harm

Contact An Experienced Nursing Home Infections Attorney

The attorneys at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, have in-depth knowledge and extensive experience with nursing home infection cases in Torrington. We will conduct a thorough case evaluation to determine the best path forward, providing compassionate and dedicated guidance during case preparation, settlement negotiations, litigation, and every step in between. Contact us to schedule your free consultation.