Patients in nursing homes and long-term care facilities depend on others to ensure they receive adequate food and fluids. Sadly, dehydration and malnutrition in Torrington nursing homes are prevalent.

When you suspect a loved one isn’t being properly cared for at a healthcare facility, contact our lawyers at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC. We are skilled legal professionals with extensive experience evaluating nursing home negligence cases and pursuing compensation when the facilities provide inadequate care.

Staffing Problems Often Lead to Inadequate Monitoring

A nursing home or long-term care facility has an obligation to ensure the patients are adequately hydrated and have sufficient nutritious food. This is a relatively simple task when a patient is on intravenous nutrition and fluids. It’s more difficult when the patient can still eat and swallow because it means a staff member must monitor their intake.

Nursing home patients sometimes lose sensitivity in their tastebuds and might have a diminished sense of smell, and these changes can cause them to lose their appetite. The patient is likely getting little exercise and may not get as hungry or thirsty as they did when they were more active. They may not remember to eat or drink unless someone reminds them.

The nursing home staff must encourage patients to eat and take in an appropriate measure of fluids. Staff must inform clinical personnel when a patient isn’t eating and drinking as much as they should. Unfortunately, these facilities are chronically understaffed and monitoring for food and liquid intake often isn’t a priority. Sometimes, in Torrington nursing homes, no one notices a patient isn’t eating or drinking properly until they show signs of dehydration or malnutrition.

Signs Your Loved One Isn’t Eating or Drinking Enough

Nursing home patients aren’t always good at advocating for themselves, and sometimes, their condition prevents them from doing so. It’s important for family members and loved ones to keep a close eye on them and bring any concerning issues to the attention of the patient’s doctor and the facility Administrator.

There are many symptoms of malnutrition and dehydration to watch out for. These include:

  • Dry, cracked, or papery skin;
  • Rapid or unexplained weight loss;
  • Unexplained diarrhea or constipation;
  • Discolored skin, especially yellowing;
  • Patient always complaining of cold;
  • Hair loss;
  • Tooth loss or bleeding gums.

These symptoms also could result from natural disease progression and medications, so it is best to bring them to the attention of nursing home staff before concluding your loved one is suffering from lack of food or fluids.

It’s wise to speak with the Director of Nursing and the facility Administrator, follow up with an email or letter, and keep notes of the conversation and copies of any correspondence. If you’re dissatisfied with the response, contact an attorney at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC. They can review your documentation, request your loved one’s medical records, and evaluate the best next steps.

Legal Action Can Spur Necessary Change

Sometimes the nursing home does not take the complaint seriously or delays taking corrective action. In that case, making a complaint to the Connecticut Department of Public Health might be appropriate. If your loved one suffered serious injury, you can also file a lawsuit seeking compensation from the nursing home for negligence with the help of our skilled team of attorneys.

Medical records showing that your loved one was malnourished or dehydrated provide evidence of negligence. Your lawyer also must prove that your loved one suffered harm because of their condition. Nursing homes usually don’t want these cases to go to a trial, and these cases are often resolved with settlements for the patient’s medical and incidental expenses plus compensation for their pain and suffering.

A Torrington Attorney Can Help Resolve Issues Regarding Dehydration and Malnutrition

It can be hard to determine whether a nursing home patient’s poor condition results from natural disease and aging processes or neglect. It can be surprising and upsetting to learn that your loved one is suffering from dehydration or malnutrition.

Contact an attorney at D’Amico & Pettinicchi if you discover your loved one suffers from dehydration and malnutrition in a Torrington nursing home. A legal professional can evaluate the situation and discuss the best steps to ensure your loved one’s well-being. Schedule a free, remote or in person consultation today.