Welcoming a new child into your family should be a happy occasion filled with excitement and joy. Unfortunately for many parents, medical errors lead to birth injuries that can last weeks, months, or even for the baby’s lifetime. If your family has been impacted by medical negligence that caused serious harm to your newborn, contact a Litchfield birth injury lawyer at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC.

Our team has over a century of combined experience supporting families and advocating for their right to compensation after their babies are harmed by negligent doctors or nurses.

Birth Injuries and Their Causes

A birth injury can be any type of harm that a baby sustains during the birthing process. It often occurs as the baby passes through the birth canal. Not every birth injury is the result of a medical error or provider negligence, and the following factors can make it more likely that a newborn will experience injury during delivery:

  • Fetal position
  • Size of the baby
  • Maternal health conditions
  • Epidural use
  • Size and shape of the mother’s pelvis
  • Prematurity
  • Prolonged labor

Minor swelling and bruising are common and usually resolve without intervention. However, severe injuries can occur and are more likely in deliveries involving forceps and vacuum extractors. Improper use of these devices can cause serious harm to babies.

Other causes of birth injuries that are caused by medical errors or negligence include:

  • Delayed C-section or failure to provide C-section
  • Medication errors
  • Using excessive force during delivery
  • Improper or inadequate prenatal care
  • Failure to diagnose or treat maternal conditions like preeclampsia
  • Failure to properly monitor the baby during labor

If you believe medical negligence caused harm to your baby, consulting a Litchfield birth injury attorney can help you understand your rights and pursue compensation.

What Birth Injuries Are Most Common?

Minor swelling and bruising caused by passing through the birth canal are among the most common types of birth injuries, but the below injuries are also relatively common and can be caused by medical errors:

  • Cuts and bruises caused by forceps or vacuums
  • Brachial palsy, which can occur after shoulder dystocia
  • Bleeding around the skull
  • Broken clavicle
  • Facial paralysis

When doctors and nurses make mistakes in prenatal care or during delivery, babies can also develop cerebral palsy, fetal acidosis, and complications from a wide range of dangerous conditions like lack of oxygen. Our dedicated birth injury lawyers in Litchfield can help you seek justice for these errors.

Filing a Medical Malpractice Claim for a Birth Injury

Coping with the trauma and emotional pain of knowing your baby is injured and facing long-term complications can feel impossible. While no amount of money can make up for what your newborn has endured and what they may continue to experience as a result of medical negligence, financial compensation can help your family access the resources your baby will need.

The statute of limitations for filing a medical malpractice case is typically two years, but this deadline can be complicated by a number of factors. The clock usually starts counting down on the date of the injury. However, in some cases, the two years begin when the injury is discovered. Connecticut law imposes a maximum limit of three years regardless of when the injury was discovered, so taking quick action is critical if you want to preserve your right to hold the doctor, nurse, or other healthcare provider responsible for their negligence.

Enlist the Help of a Litchfield Birth Injury Attorney at Our Firm

A seasoned Litchfield birth injury lawyer at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, can help you file a claim against medical staff members who were negligent in their care, including obstetricians, pediatricians, anesthesiologists, labor and delivery nurses, and neonatologists. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.