Work-related injuries happen all the time. Sometimes, the workers’ compensation program will pay your medical expenses and provide a partial wage if your condition requires you to miss work. In other situations, you may need to pursue a civil claim against a third party responsible for your harm.

Injury claims arising from conditions and accidents in the workplace can get complicated. The experienced personal injury attorneys at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, will explain your rights and help you get the compensation you’re entitled to. Call today to discuss your case with a Connecticut work injury lawyer.

Holding a Third Party Responsible for Your Work Injury

When you suffer a work-related injury or condition, you cannot sue your employer if they obey the law and offer workers’ compensation benefits. However, you could have a claim against a third party if their negligence caused or contributed to the incident.

Work-related car accidents often involve third parties, whom you could sue if they are at fault for a crash resulting in your injury. Accidents on a shop floor or construction site could be due to defective machinery or equipment or a careless contractor. Assaults by customers or co-workers during working hours could also constitute a personal injury lawsuit.

Our Connecticut attorneys will review the circumstances surrounding your work-related accident to determine whether you have a valid claim against a third party.

Possible Recoverable Damages

When you file a lawsuit against the third party responsible for your work injury, you can seek compensation for both your economic and non-economic damages. This can include recovery for:

  • Embarrassment;
  • Loss of consortium;
  • Reduced quality of life;
  • Lost wages and income;
  • Rehabilitation and therapy;
  • Disfigurement and scarring;
  • Future loss of earning capacity; and
  • All past, present, and future medical expenses.

This is not an exhaustive list. Other damages may be recoverable depending on the circumstances of your case. During an initial consultation with one of our attorneys in Connecticut, you can discuss the impacts of the work injury on your life. Then, our skilled legal team can build a comprehensive claim for compensation that accounts for the full extent of your losses.

Legal Deadline to File a Work Injury Lawsuit

Under Connecticut General Statutes § 52-584, people who suffer injuries due to another party’s misconduct have a two-year window from the date of the injury to file a lawsuit. If the litigation process is not initiated within this timeframe, the court will dismiss the case as “time-barred.” This means it cannot proceed due to the expiration of the statutory deadline.

Filing your claim before this legal deadline expires is crucial to getting the compensation you need to recover from your work injury. Enlisting the help of a seasoned legal professional can give you the peace of mind that your case will be filed properly and on time.

Contact a Connecticut Attorney for Help After a Work Injury

If you or a loved one suffered an injury while on the job due to someone else’s careless actions, contact a Connecticut work injury lawyer at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, right away. We fight for the rights of injured workers in our community. Our goal is to get you the compensation you deserve for the harm you never should have had to experience.

Case evaluations are always free, and we can do them remotely or in-person—whatever is most convenient for you. Reach out today.