Property owners and occupiers have certain obligations to guests and other visitors to their property. When they do not uphold those duties, any injuries caused by their negligence could result in legal liability. Keeping the premises safe includes maintaining the building and the grounds to avoid hazardous conditions, but it also involves security measures taken on the property.

If you were harmed because a property owner failed to keep their property safe from criminal activity, you may be able to hold the owner responsible for the injuries you suffered. Contact a Connecticut negligent security lawyer at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, to find out if you have a case.

What Is Negligent Security?

Owners of commercial properties, like shopping centers, office buildings, and hotels, are obligated to ensure their businesses and buildings are safe. This includes taking security measures to keep their guests, customers, and visitors safe from criminal harm.

Property owners are not the only people who can be held liable for negligent security injuries. The following people and entities can also be at fault:

  • Property managers
  • Security guards
  • Security companies
  • Occupier or tenant of the property

Depending on the circumstances, one or more parties can be responsible for an injury caused by negligent security. The Connecticut negligent security attorneys at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, can help you determine who is at fault for your injuries.

Examples of Negligent Security

Maintaining a property’s security can include a variety of safety measures, many of which will be unique to the building, neighborhood, and needs of the visitors or guests. Some of the more common examples of negligent security include the following:

  • Lack of security guards
  • Insufficient exterior lighting
  • Broken gates or doors
  • Inoperable or missing security cameras

If you believe that your injuries were caused by unsafe conditions, you may be entitled to compensation for the harm you’ve experienced.

Proving Negligent Security in Connecticut

Aside from identifying who the responsible party is, there are two other important elements when trying to establish fault in negligent security claims: foreseeability and causation.

To determine foreseeability, the following question is usually asked:

  • Would a reasonable person have predicted the consequences of this action?

If a reasonable person would determine that the negligent action would likely have resulted in injury or harm, then the foreseeability element may be met. Causation involves the connection between your injuries, the criminal act, and the negligent security.

To increase your chances of building a successful injury claim, contact the negligent security attorneys at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC. Our 100+ years of combined experience translates to unmatched representation in your case. While the outcome of any case cannot be predicted, we work on every case with relentless dedication to maximizing compensation for our clients.

Contact the Connecticut Negligent Security Attorneys at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC

We know how challenging it can be to recover from an injury caused by negligent security. Not only do your physical injuries require treatment and ongoing care, but the psychological harm caused by feeling unsafe is often extensive.

Every injured person deserves high-quality legal representation, which is why we do not charge legal fees unless we secure financial compensation for you. Contact us to schedule a free consultation with a Connecticut negligent security lawyer to discuss your case.