Being injured by falling objects is a risk anytime items are stored or used at high elevations or above-head. Construction sites, stores, and businesses can all face personal injury claims involving falling objects if they fail to prioritize safety.
Compensation from the at-fault party is a crucial element of your overall recovery after an injury, and the seasoned work injury attorneys at D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, can help you determine if someone else’s negligence or recklessness is to blame for your falling object injury. Speak with a Connecticut falling objects injury lawyer today.
Construction sites are rife with hazardous and dangerous conditions, but that does not mean that property owners and site managers are not responsible for the safety of the premises. Pedestrians who pass by construction sites may be injured by falling objects, such as ladders, paint cans, tools, or beams. The construction company or property owner may be responsible for your injury if negligence was the cause of the falling object, and this can look like:
There are countless scenarios in which someone else can be held liable for your injury, which is why consulting with a falling accident injury lawyer in Connecticut is a good idea.
Construction sites are not the only places that pose a risk of being injured by falling objects. Other examples of items falling from a height and causing injuries include:
Not all injuries caused by falling objects are a result of negligence. However, if you were owed a duty of care and a breach of that duty caused your injuries, you may be able to file a claim for compensation.
Head injuries are the most common type of injury from falling objects, and the damage can range from mild to catastrophic. If an item falling from above hits a pedestrian or visitor’s head, it can cause traumatic brain injury, spinal cord damage, and skull fracture. Falling object accident victims may also experience:
Falling object accident claims are a vital part of your overall recovery, and you may be able to receive damages such as:
If you’ve been injured by a falling object, a Connecticut injury lawyer can help you pursue the compensation you deserve.
Establishing liability in your case is vital to securing compensation, but most injured accident victims have enough on their plate without worrying about legal strategy. Our thorough knowledge of Connecticut laws and legal procedures means you can trust us with your accident claim.
Don’t wait—contact D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, today to schedule a free consultation with a Connecticut falling objects injury lawyer. We will use our 100+ years of combined experience to advocate for maximum financial compensation for your injuries.