Laws are constantly evolving and updating to meet the changing needs of society, and traffic laws are no exception. Pedestrians face numerous challenges, including navigating streets that were not designed for them and avoiding distracted drivers. Keeping track of traffic laws for Connecticut pedestrians is important but not something that most people can do on their own. 

If you’ve been in a pedestrian accident, you need a legal partner who is familiar with the state’s laws involving personal injury, pedestrians, and driver requirements. At D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, we have extensive experience fighting for clients injured while crossing the street or traveling on sidewalks in Connecticut, and this experience makes us deeply familiar with the state’s traffic laws regarding pedestrians. 

Traffic Laws Pedestrians in Connecticut Should Know About

Laws dictating pedestrian and motorist behavior are intended to keep everyone as safe as possible, but knowing what Connecticut’s laws say about crosswalks, right-of-way, and other relevant topics is the first step. There are numerous laws to be aware of if you plan on driving or walking in Connecticut. 

Connecticut General Statute § 7-118a

Sidewalk curbs must have cuts at crosswalks to provide safe and convenient access for pedestrians with physical impairments. These cuts must be textured, and they must be between 36 and 40 inches wide. 

Connecticut General Statute § 14-299

This statute discusses motorist behavior at traffic lights, including how drivers should approach intersections when they have a green arrow. Drivers can cautiously enter an intersection on a green arrow but must still yield the right-of-way to pedestrians who are already in the crosswalk. 

Who Has the Right of Way?

Drivers in Connecticut must yield to pedestrians in the following scenarios:

  • If the pedestrian is in the crosswalk
  • Steps to the curb at the crosswalk and indicates their intention to cross
  • Indicates their intent to cross the street by moving into the crosswalk

Traffic Laws for Pedestrians with Visual Impairments

Accessible pedestrian signals (APS) are crosswalk signals that use sensory output to alert blind and visually impaired pedestrians about when to cross. These signals use spoken messages, audible tones, or vibrations to communicate the crossing notifications as opposed to only visual cues like text and pictures. APS are not installed at every intersection in Connecticut, and they are typically added at the request of residents

Whether or not a crosswalk is equipped with an APS, it is important to keep in mind that Connecticut law states that drivers who approach a pedestrian carrying a white cane or a white cane with a red tip shall slow down, stop, or yield when necessary. Motorists shall also slow, stop, or yield to pedestrians who are being guided by a service animal

Contact D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, After a Pedestrian Accident

If you’ve been struck by a vehicle while attempting to cross the street or while walking on a sidewalk, the driver may be liable for the harm you’ve endured. Our personal injury attorneys have been helping injured pedestrians for a combined 100+ years. 

Contact us today to schedule a free in-person or virtual consultation with one of our attorneys and learn more about traffic laws for Connecticut pedestrians.


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D’Amico & Pettinicchi proudly supports great causes throughout Connecticut. We are involved in our community and dedicated to making our community safer and healthier, and we carry that commitment through everything we do.

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If you or someone you love has suffered an injury or illness, you need to take immediate action so we can start our investigation. It’s not just a legal matter; it’s about helping you rebuild your life.

We have a proven track record of success. Other lawyers refer their cases to us because we have the experience and resources to resolve these complex matters.

It’s important that you contact us right away, before evidence disappears and critical legal deadlines expire. Our office is centrally located in Watertown and we offer legal counsel to victims and their families throughout Connecticut. Contact us online or by phone to schedule a free remote or in-person consultation.