Navigating any legal process is notoriously difficult, and even attorneys rarely represent themselves when facing personal legal cases. If you are looking for guidance on how to file a medical malpractice lawsuit in Connecticut, you have likely suffered substantial harm caused by your healthcare provider. Most people need support and advocacy at a time like this, not added stress and hassle.

Working with an experienced medical malpractice lawyer is the best way to ensure your case is handled appropriately and you maximize your chances for a successful outcome.

Who Can Sue for Medical Malpractice?

Injured patients can file lawsuits against Connecticut healthcare providers like doctors, nurses, surgeons, physical therapists, psychiatrists, and even hospitals. If you were harmed or injured by a medical practitioner’s negligence, recklessness, or other wrongdoing, you may be able to sue for medical malpractice.

You can consult with a medical malpractice attorney at any stage of your injury claim, but sooner is better. Your lawyer can help you:

  • Gather medical records
  • Preserve important evidence
  • Obtain an expert opinion
  • Identify the at-fault party
  • Negotiate a settlement
  • Provide a Notice of Intent
  • Adhere to the statute of limitations
  • File the Complaint

The Steps and Stages of a Medical Malpractice Claim

Depending on the complexity of your case and the individual processes that your claim will require, there are dozens of different steps that must be taken in a Connecticut medical malpractice claim. Some of the stages and steps you should know about are discussed below.

Expert Opinion

Connecticut requires that an injured patient intending to file a medical malpractice claim obtain a written opinion from a qualified medical expert. This must be done prior to initiating the malpractice lawsuit. If the medical professional believes that the provider in question breached their standard of care and the patient was harmed as a result, they will provide that determination in the opinion document, and you can proceed with your claim.


Discovery is an important part of a medical malpractice case. It involves both sides exchanging documents and evidence to gather the information they need to build their arguments. Knowing what to request, how to respond, and what to look for during the discovery process is crucial.

Mediation and Settlement

Many injured patients choose to go through mediation and settlement discussions prior to a trial, and this is the stage in which many medical malpractice cases are resolved. During mediation, a neutral mediator will facilitate discussions between the parties in an attempt to reach an agreement for settlement.


If an agreement is not made in mediation, trial is often the next step. Your medical malpractice attorney will build a case to present in court, providing evidence and arguments to support your claim for damages.

What You Should Know About Medical Malpractice Lawsuits in Connecticut

In addition to obtaining a qualified medical expert’s written opinion, Connecticut has numerous laws you must comply with in a medical malpractice lawsuit.

One of the most important requirements to be aware of immediately after your injury is that you generally only have two years to initiate a claim for medical malpractice in Connecticut. This time limit is known as a statute of limitations. The clock starts when you discover your injury or when it reasonably should have been discovered. However, you must also keep in mind that regardless of when you discover the injury, action must be taken within a maximum of three years from the date of the harmful act; or if a death is involved, then not more than five years.

Have you been injured by your doctor or other healthcare provider’s negligence or recklessness? Not sure how to file a medical malpractice lawsuit in Connecticut? Don’t wait to discuss your rights and legal options with a qualified lawyer. Contact D’Amico & Pettinicchi, LLC, today to schedule a free consultation.


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If you or someone you love has suffered an injury or illness, you need to take immediate action so we can start our investigation. It’s not just a legal matter; it’s about helping you rebuild your life.

We have a proven track record of success. Other lawyers refer their cases to us because we have the experience and resources to resolve these complex matters.

It’s important that you contact us right away, before evidence disappears and critical legal deadlines expire. Our office is centrally located in Watertown and we offer legal counsel to victims and their families throughout Connecticut. Contact us online or by phone to schedule a free remote or in-person consultation.